Fort Hawkins is now ready, willing, and able, as demonstrated in this site development plan, to be opened to the public as one of the finest and most innovative historic sites in America. Macon and Middle Georgia deserve no less as Fort Hawkins joins the illustrious cultural attractions in our area, and begins to contribute to boosting the area’s cultural and heritage tourism. Fort Hawkins will be much more as detailed in this site development plan, contributing even more to the local economy and quality of life with its educational programming and community involvement. Fort Hawkins will further contribute to more local pride. The Fort Hawkins Commission has proven it can be a faithful steward in developing, protecting, and promoting the site and has patiently waited for this very moment to elevate Fort Hawkins preservation and promotion to the professional level the historic site so richly deserves and the neighborhood so desperately needs.
The Fort Hawkins Commission has waited for this moment to offer the wisest uses for the Fort Hawkins property. The long awaited archaeological research has provided enough information to guide the site’s needed development and future preservation. This research has helped rekindle the interest and support of the proud heritage found at Fort Hawkins, one of America’s forgotten forts from a nearly forgotten time period. This site development plan reflects an equally proud present with a daily celebration of early American and Native American life at a real frontier fort, while also daily celebrating historical archaeology and the living history experience. It’s about time for Fort Hawkins to regain its rightful prominence in local, regional, and national history. It’s about time for Fort Hawkins to become the community resource it could and should be and begin to contribute more to the betterment of Macon and Middle Georgia. It’s all about time – the proud past, present, and future of Fort Hawkins.
Marty Willett, Fort Hawkins Commission Chairman, March 27, 2008